Tao-Te-Chi Resource Center

Updated: July 29 2010

Each of the various writings that appear in this section come from various Tao-Te-Chi resources. Some were part of healing course manuals, some were full booklets written to assist people deal with specific topics, and the rest were stand-alone pieces. Regardless of their origins, each work here has been provided because they are essential for your own personal growth and development.

MindMunchies Videos

The MindMunchies videos offer information on a range of topics related directly to Human Nature. The main focus of these videos is to discover the underlying reasons why we do all the things that we do.

Tao-Te-Chi Informative Writings - 2009

Each of these writings was created as a stand-alone topic to help people learn more about themselves, the way we are, or the world around us. Each is something we take for granted and, as a result, has lowered the overall quality of our lives.

Tao-Te-Chi Various Writings - 2006

These writings were written by DevonK back in 2006 in order to explore new topics not written about previously.

Tao-Te-Chi Informative Booklets - 2005

Each of these writings were stand-alone booklets designed to help people explore specific topics. Each is very important to help you learn more about yourself or why you are the way you are.

Tao-Te-Chi Beginner Healing Course Manual - 2005

These writings came from either the Tao-Te-Chi Intensive Healing Course Manual and will help you learn more about "Healing" in it's many different forms.

Excerpts From Unfinished Book "The True You" - 2004

These writings came from an unfinished book being written by DevonK back in 2004

Tao-Te-Chi Intensive Healing Course Materials - 2003

Each of these writings came from the Tao-Te-Chi Intensive Healing Course Manual. The manual is used to teach new students in the Tao-Te-Chi Healing System.


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Tao-Te-Chi Resources Home

Educational Videos

Writings 2009

Writings 2006

Booklets 2005

Beginner Healing Course 2005

Unfinished "The
True You" 2004

Inter. Healing
Course 2003

Additional Resources Etc.

Blog, Etc.

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