Excerpts From Unfinished Book "The True You" - 2004
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Both of these writings came from an unfinished book being written by DevonK back in 2004. Even though the book was abandoned in favor of a much more encompassing work, these topics are nonetheless valuable.
Intro - Deeper Workings Of The Human Mind
For most of us the Human Mind is almost an abstract concept, something we all know about yet really know nothing about. We somewhat understand the idea of the Brain and its functions. We even fairly well understand the inner workings of our physical bodies. In many ways we even believe we know why we are the way we are. Yet in it all there is so much that we don't know and what makes it worse is that we don't know that we don't know it.
Chapter - Dealing With Our First Awareness
When we start out on the great road of life the very first thing we become aware about it is "Me". We don't really know what "Me" is, only that we are one and that it is supposed to mean something.